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Post by: trangtrang | 20/10/2022 | 493 reads

October 20th has come to the overjoyed reactions from all Vietnamese women—the day where we can celebrate the mothers, sisters and other women of our lives with well wishes and lovely fragrant bouquets of flowers. In such an exhilarating atmosphere, Ams Wide Web today has had an chance to have a conversation with Ms. Tạ Quỳnh Trang  - a Geography teacher of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted. Infused with humor and a burning desire for students to craft well-rounded skill sets, her lessons are always filled with energy and practical knowledge. Now, join us once more as we find out what our teacher is thinking on this special day!

Mrs. Tạ Quỳnh Trang - The homeroom teacher of Geography 18-21 and 21-24

Reporter: Ms. Trang, what brought you to teaching and more specifically, teaching geography?

Ms. Trang: My mother was a teacher, and both of my parents wanted me to follow their footsteps and become a teacher like them. I myself am fond of children and find joy in seeing my students grow and mature every day, so I decided to major in education. When I was in high school, I worked hard to earn a medal in the National Geography Olympiad, and I was accepted as a Geography major of Hanoi National University of Education, and the rest was history.


Mrs. Tạ Quỳnh Trang (front, right) with other Geography teachers of Ams

Reporter: Having been in Ams for more than ten years and a homeroom teacher of two classes, what is your impression of Amsers?

Ms. Trang: I have been with Ams for 13 years, starting when Ams was still at its old address - 1 Nam Cao Street. I think that the students of Ams are extremely intelligent, creative, bold and willing to conquer the mountain of wisdom and follow their dreams. You could say Amsers work hard, but they also live just as hard. 

Ms. Trang and students of the class of 18 - 21 having fun during Picture Day

Reporter: A few students think that Geography is an "unimportant subject", so they do not care about studying it at all. What do you think about this problem and how Amsers study Geography in general?

Ms. Trang: Geography has less class time at school than Math, Literature and Foreign Languages, so a few students think they can just slack off and ignore this subject at school. This is what many students in all schools have in mind, not just Amsers. Because it is a deep-rooted view, I do not try to argue and change their minds—instead, during my lessons, I focus on showing them the practical sides of Geography that can benefit them in their daily life. In my opinion, Geography helps us explain so many things about the natural and socioeconomic world around us, as well as helping us understand how that world works and know how to live in such a world. I try to teach this to students via practical applications of their knowledge, and I help them see how geography manifests in their lives. In this way, I think students will love the subject more.


“When I teach, I try to help students understand the beneficial and practical applications of Geography” - Mrs. Trang shares her method of teaching

Reporter: How do you celebrate 20.10 every year? Do you have any remarkable memories of this day with Amsers?

Ms. Trang: Every year, I receive affection from our friends, families and colleagues in the forms of well wishes and gifts like our women. Especially as a teacher, I also receive that love from generations of students, so I feel truly blessed and joyful. Perhaps the most unforgettable memories of 20.10 with Amsers would be the 20.11 of 2021 alongside the class of Geography that I lead. In that school year, we were studying online, so everything had to be done virtually. Even though the celebration was online, the boys were very creative and considerate, and they brought a vibrant celebration to the girls in the class and me, making us laugh until our bellies hurt.


Ms. Trang alongside class 11 Geography taking photos during the opening ceremony of the 2021-2022 school year. 

Reporter: As your last words, do you have anything you would like to say to your female colleagues and students on this day?

Ms. Trang: This 20th of October, I send my heartfelt wishes to the female teachers and students of Ams, hoping that they will forever be healthy, beautiful, loved and respected by others. I dearly hope that we women will learn to love ourselves everyday, so that we can become better in every aspect!

On behalf of Ams Wide Web’s editorial board, I would like to thank Ms. Trang for conversing with us today. We wish her a healthy, delightful and lively 20.10, and we hope that she will continue to contribute greatly to the success of her lucky students!

Translator: Phan Khánh An - English 1 2225

Image: Self-provided