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Post by: trangtrang | 05/09/2022 | 927 reads

In keeping with the joyous back-to-school attitude around the country, on Monday morning, September 5th of 2022, teachers and students of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted held the opening ceremony of the year 2022 - 2023, evoking many emotions and pleasant memories in the minds of everyone.

The 2022 - 2023 Opening Ceremony was attended by delegates, teachers, parents’ representatives, staff from media agencies as well as all high school students from Hanoi Amsterdam High School for the Gifted. This is also an event for teachers and students to welcome new exciting things, especially after a year of social distancing due to the pandemic, which has prevented last year’s opening ceremony from being celebrated.

It began with a unique performance by instructors and students from Hanoi - Amsterdam High School For The Gifted with the theme “Hanoi - Amsterdam: Forever a belief.”

Vocalist Nguyen Ngoc Ha Chi and the dance ensemble performing “Hello Vietnam”, a song about Vietnam.

History class’s musical performance honoring “Folk Art” has added a lively atmosphere to the solemn opening ceremony.

The entire school sang the traditional anthem “Hanoi - Amsterdam anthem” of the school.

After the exciting and meaningful art performance, the whole school solemnly saluted the flag to honor two students: Bui Gia Nhat Minh and Do Quynh Anh, who achieved many great accomplishments in the IOAA 2022 and were chosen to raise the flag on the first day of school.

The school's vice principal and teacher Bui Van Phuc then presented the pupils with a letter from President Nguyen Xuan Phuc congratulating them on the new school year.

Mr. Bùi Văn Phúc, teacher and Vice Principal reading the congratulatory letter from the President.

During the school's opening, Mr. Tran Thuy Duong, Secretary of the Party Committee and School Principal delivered a passionate speech to welcome the new school year. Politburo member, Secretary of the City Party Committee and Head of the Hanoi National Assembly delegation Dinh Tien Dung added to the excitement by presenting flowers and pounding the drum that marks the new school year. 

Principal Tran Thuy Duong making a speech at the ceremony.

Dinh Tien Dung, City Committee’s Secretary, pounding the drum to begin the school year.

Following that, the City Committee’s Secretary and other delegates gave prizes to students and teachers who triumphed at the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad IOAA 2022 and the International Mathematics exam IMC 2022.


Honoring students who excelled in the IOAA Olympiad of 2022. 

Honoring students who excelled in the International Youth Mathematics Olympiad IMC 2022.

Chu Hoa Bao Tram, Member of the Executive Committee of Cau Giay District and Deputy Secretary of the School Union, representing over 3000 students of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, concluded the ceremony with a speech expressing determination to do her best to achieve excellent results in the new school year. 

Chu Hoa Bao Tram of 12 History delivered a speech on behalf of the school to welcome the new school year

This school year of 2022-2023 has been fervently enjoyed by teachers and students alike throughout the school. Take a look at some of the most memorable moments at the ceremony! 

Earnestly saluting the flag at the ceremony


Students attentively listening to the opening ceremony’s speeches

Teachers wearing the elegant ao dai

Excitement for the start of a new year

Greeting attending guests at the opening ceremony of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted

Towards the school year of 2022 - 2023, Hanoi - Amsterdam High School teachers and students promised to excel in their own respective work to pioneer our education, bring in new achievements and make the school known nationwide and worldwide.

Translator: Trần Lê Tuệ Anh - English 1 2225