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[NINETERNAL'23] Horacio: Gratitude and Coming-of-age Ceremony closed 2019-2023 Amsers' journey

Post by: trangtrang | 23/05/2023 | 851 reads

Every journey must come to an end, and Amsers of the class of 2019-2023, after 4 years of studying at Ams, have to now say goodbye to their middle school days filled with love and memories. On the morning of May 22nd, in Auditorium 200, the emotional Gratitude and Coming-of-age Ceremony of 9th grade students took place with the participation of the school’s administrators and teachers who have steered the boat named “Amser 19-23” as well as nearly 300 9th grade students of 2019-2023 of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted.

The Gratitude and Coming-of-age ceremony is an opportunity for 9th grade students to express their deepest gratitude to teachers and parents, who have always supported, encouraged, guided, and accompanied them through 4 years of hard work under the roof of Hanoi - Amsterdam. This year's ceremony of gratitude and coming-of-age is called Horacio. 

The solemn ceremony was held with the participation of the school administrators and especially of the homeroom teachers, subject teachers, parents, and 9th grade students of the class of 2019-2023. Headmistress Tran Thuy Duong - Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal - opened the ceremony with an emotional speech. 

To continue the program, Mr. Nguyen Trung Kien, representative of the parents of these students, came on stage to share his own thoughts as well as delivering keepsakes and bouquets of flowers to the school.

Afterwards, representing nearly 300 9th grade students of the class of 19-23, Pham Dang Nguyen, a student of class 9A, expressed his deep gratitude and determined promise to excel in the upcoming exam - the high school entrance exam. The ceremonial part was then wrapped up with fresh flower bouquets sent to the teachers who have guided the students through their middle school years.

After Horacio’s ceremonial part, a time for once-green students to express their most sincere feelings and gratitude to their teachers, the celebration part became an opportunity for them to commemorate their beautiful memories during their years of studying at Hanoi - Amsterdam, through video clips and special musical performances.

Lights, stage, and music—Auditorium 200 seemed to be immersed in the nostalgic and emotional footage, and in that moment, all the 9th grade students in the class of 2019-2023 seemed to be reliving their beautiful memories from the very first day once again. 

And soon, everything will turn to no more than an indelible memory in everyone's heart. Each student will have to leave everything that has been dear to them for 4 years, leave the school yard with so many memories, leave the row of trees and windows, leave their familiar seats and classrooms, leave their teachers, friends, and mischievous jokes, and leave their daily road to school. However, the beautiful memories will still stay, lingering in the memory of each and everyone.

On behalf of the Ams Wide Web Editorial Department, we wish for 9th grade warriors of the class of 2019-2023 to confidently fight, to earn the best results for yourselves, and to be able to meet again Hanoi - Amsterdam High school for the Gifted. Ams is our home, so goodbyes are just promises for reunions. Wishing everyone a victorious summer!      

Translator: Phan Khánh An - English 1 2225

Image: Provided by the OC of Nineternal 23’

*Other images from the ceremony