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Post by: trangtrang | 26/04/2023 | 874 reads

On April 23rd, 2023, at the Phương Đông University, Hanoi’s Union’s ExCo has successfully organized the 28th City-level Young Informatics Contest of the year 2023 with the attendance of 99 elementary school students, 54 midle school students and 47 high school students.

The City-level Young Informatics Contest is an annual event which has, over the years, created a playground for students to exchange, share and learn from each other’s experience for applications of information technology.

During the past successful years, the City-level Informatics Contest has truly proclaimed itself as a place for young talents in I.T. to meet up, exchange, compete, and express their creativity. From here, many young talents in the field of I.T. have been discovered and nurtured to greatly contribute to the workforce and the development of the city as well as of the nation.

The contest consists of 2 parts: teamwork and creative work. Students are divided into elementary, middle, and high school.

School team competing in the City-level Young Informatics Contest on April 23th, 2023

At this year’s contest, Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted had 9 students in the teamwork part and earned 7 prizes, namely:

 * High School: 1 Second (Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng - 11 Informatics), 1 Third (Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng - 10 Informatics), 3 Consolation (Nguyễn Văn Khuê - 10 Informatics, Đỗ Trung Hiếu - 10 Informatics, Nguyễn Minh Tuấn - 10 Informatics)

* Middle School: 1 First (Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn - 9A), 2 Second (Nguyễn Nhật Minh - 8A, Hoàng Dương - 9C)

Congratulations to the students who have gained high achievements in this year’s contest. We hope that these early successes could help you as well as other students further foster your love and passion for Informatics as well as spread this flame of passion and a spirit of self-learning to the entire Hanoi - Amsterdam High School community.


Translator: Vũ Đức Lâm - English 2 2023

School’s Union’s Executive Committee