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[Hanoi-Amsterdam’s 30th Anniversary] Major camps and photo exhibition: A recreation of memories

Post by: trangtrang | 09/01/2016 | 2275 reads

On December 26th, 2015, Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted celebrated its 30th anniversary with plenty of meaningful events. Many generations of teachers and students were recreated through a photo exhibition collected by Amsers of the 21st century, reminiscing of so many memories and proud moments of Hanoi-Amsterdam throughout the last 3 decades. Moreover, Amsers organized special camps to showcase the characteristics of each major.


The historical reunion

Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, since its foundation, its first school-year opening ceremony in 1985-1986, first Party unit meeting, to the NHAT finale and the meeting with representatives from selected US colleges, all of those memorial milestones were recreated through the exhibition.


Hanoi-Amsterdam: A History


“To see Ams from its very first days, those photos of teachers and students throughout the stretch of time makes me even more grateful towards the previous generations. I feel so lucky to be an Amser to follow their footsteps and continue our learning tradition” – said Thu Hien, Amser batch 14-17.

The exhibition has made teachers and former Amsers travel back in time, to when they were teaching and studying in the old classrooms at 1 Nam Cao, to the time of young minds and childlike laughter. That school yard, those trees witnessed the growth of many generations of students, together with the changes of our school on the path of innovation and integration. Everyone who came to this exhibition was deep in emotions as they could look back to one of the best chapters in their life and part of their childhood immersed in knowledge and love from their teachers and friends.

The Ams we know today, through photos of NHAT, NHVH, NHTT, appears to be energetic, creative and dynamic. The new generation of Amsers has been trying their best to continue Ams’ legacy, also creating groundbreaking turning points, writing the history of their own.

Major camps –unique traditions, unique identities

In order to have the best preparation for their major camps, Amsers have planned for the camp design several weeks before, keeping in mind that it not only has to be well-designed but also has to express the continuity of Ams’ traditions throughout the years. Before the day of the anniversary, Ams was more bustling and boisterous than usual as students of all majors came together to finish the final preparation for the camp.


Amsers folding origami

Every guest who visited the major camps was impressed by the efforts made by Amsers. 14 camps strung along 2 corridors B and C brought former Amsers from surprise to surprise, from excitement to happiness seeing all of their memories.


Photos of Amsers majored in History sparkling under the colorful lights

“They must have spent a lot of efforts collecting photos of Math-majored classes of 30 batches. What a great way to make us former students feel the spirit of our schooling period! To see my class photo hung up is really emotional.” – said Thuy Tien, a former Amser.


The gold-colored flamingos made by Math-majored students, expressing that Amsers’ dream will fly high


The Literature-majored camp stood out by their black and white theme, highlighting their photos


Chemistry-specialisedAmsers showcase their craftsmanship through beautiful artwork on their banner


The Geography camp attracted the attention by their elegant decoration


The Physics camp was so lively with their red and black pinwheels


The Computing camp was decorated with 200 photos, creating a shimmering and lively space


Playing guitar – an effective PR method used by the 8th graders to attract more visitors to their camp

Amser, each generation being different from one another, but there is always a similarity, which is their desire for knowledge and their courage to follow their own dreams. The teachers of Ams, they not only lit the flame of knowledge, but also lit the everlasting fire of enthusiasm and passion in the minds and hearts of all generations of students of Hanoi - Amsterdam.


Reporter: Binh Minh – Toan 2 1417

Translator:  Hai Dang - English 1 1518