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[NHAT'22] Ambassador's Talent in Ams Ambassador 2022: A mosaic of the self at the end of the road

Post by: trangtrang | 08/01/2023 | 408 reads

The Ambassador’s Talent round of Ams Ambassador 2022 titled “The end of the road” has come to an end, leaving the hearts of our Amsers, especially of each faction with a countless array of emotions. Each ambassador  has expressed their own artistic talents through the contest to show their own self as well as a reaffirmation of their energetic  side beyond the already impressive academics and extracurricular activities.

Through the Favorite Ambassador Duo round at the top 20, in the Talent round happening on January 4th just now, the contestants were able to let their creativity fly combined with their own expressive self dancing to the beat of the music, all in an effort to make their way to the top 10. With some elegant dance moves, bold ideas and meaningful messages followed by a round of applause from the judges and the spectators, all of which created an artistic scenery never so surreal. The main theme of NHAT 2022 is Ferrovia - the perfect harmony between the stops and the beats was achieved with the help of flowing creativity, inspiration from the world around us and the uniting spirits of all factions. 

The History and English factions had a unique choreography to the piano music of Für Elise from a legend about a lady by Ludwig van Beethoven, the most admired composer of all time. The soothing and rippling piano melodies  recreated on stage through body language, compounded by various shades of emotions, guided the audience to once again relive this beautiful but tragic love story. No words were spoken during the entire performance, but the body movements and the vitality of this undying symphony echoing beyond the stage have helped the ambassador duo Đặng Vũ Ngọc Mai and Nguyễn Phúc Anh convey the spirit of the extraordinary show to its fullest

Ambassador duo Đặng Vũ ngọc Mai - Nguyễn Phúc Anh with a performance inspired by the music Für Elise

“Dress to kill” - saying no to fast fashion is the message the Literature and Geography faction sent to all spectators through the dancing and acting performances of the ambassador duo Lê Nhật Minh and Nguyễn Thảo Linh. The show takes place in a conflict between two perspectives on fashion: the proponents and opponents of fast fashion. Through a dazzling and sparkling costume inspired by non-recyclable materials, Thảo Linh made her pioneering mark on the fast fashion industry. In stark contrast, what’s remarkable about the opponents lies in the reflective clothing and the numerous warning signs to decry the impact of fast fashion on the environment. Nhật Minh, as part of the opponents, made his fierce rebuttal against fast fashion through a series of emphatic dance movements colored in fury. 

Lê Nhật Minh - Literature faction’s ambassador with a spectacular performance

Nguyễn Thảo Linh - Geography faction’s ambassador in the role of a fashion designer

Inspired by the glorious history of our country, fiery spirits burst on stage through the display by two representatives from History and Math factions: Phạm Bảo Thư and Phạm Vũ Quý. Their beauty comes from a fierce history figure known as Trưng Trắc - the first and only in the history of Vietnam, who, together with her husband Thi Sách, ignited our tradition of repelling foreign invaders, as well as paying homage to the women  throughout Vietnam’s history. The show received a “downpour of compliments” from the judges for its educational and artistic performance alongside meticulous preparation done by the two factions.

Phạm Bảo Thư as Trưng Trắc 

Phạm Vũ Quý as Thi Sách 

Other performances from different Ams Ambassador duos include:


Triệu Đức Phú - Ninh Thục Anh, ambassador duo from French and Chemistry factions telling a story about love, passion and barriers


Song Bằng and Russian ambassador duo: Bùi Minh Phương and Lê Hải Nam together recreating the scene from the movie “La La Land” 

Posthumous marriage by the ambassador duo Trần Nguyễn Minh Hiền and Trương Bảo Hân - Chinese and English factions

Nguyễn Lê Minh Ngọc (French)  - Lã Châu Giang (Chemistry) in the journey to “swap bodies” 

Phạm Khánh Linh (Literature) with Bùi Chu Công (Biology) in the play “Masquerade” about a swan princess and a prince

Informatics and Song bang ambassador duo Dương Hồng Lân and Vũ Nguyễn Huyền Anh 

Phan Tú Linh (Geography) and Nguyễn Tùng Nguyên (Geography) enlivening the novel “When the light is out” on the stage in Ams Ambassador 2022

Not only proving its charm to the students, the Ambassador’s Talent round further accentuated each of the ambassador duos’ unique personal values. Inching closer to the title of Ams Ambassador 2022, these special performances have helped craft a beautiful image of Hanoi - Amsterdam students to other students across Hanoi. 

Translator: Vũ Đức Lâm - English 2 2023

Provided by the OC of NHAT'22


Tags: NHAT 22