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Post by: trangtrang | 12/03/2022 | 610 reads

Intending to promote the learning and practicing morale, the yearning for innovation and creativity of all students nationwide, the Ministry of Education and Training launched the SV_STARTUP 2021 contest.

Accordingly, participants are pupils and students studying at academies, universities, pedagogical colleges, intermediate pedagogical schools, and students from high schools and secondary schools. Every startup project participating in SV_STARTUP 2021 aims to solve communal and societal problems, find breakthrough preventions against COVID-19 to stimulate socio-economic development.

Based on the Department of Education and Training’s Official dispatch no.589/SGDĐT-CTTT-KHCN dated 3/11/2022, in Hanoi, 02 out of 20 student projects nationwide will be selected by the Organizing Committee to participate in the final round of SV_STARTUP 2021, which is going to occur from March 25th, 2022 to March 28th, 2022.

One of the two ideas is “SIGNTEGRATE - Communicational aid for the deaf in Vietnam by sign language translation application using artificial intelligence”, which was implemented by a group of students from Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted. They are Nguyen Tai Minh — a student of class 11 Math 2 and Pham Ninh Giang — a student of class 11 Math 2.

To support our Hanoians, teachers, parents and fellow students are cordially requested to vote for those 02 topics.

- Vote at:

- The poll will close at 12:00 on March 25, 2022.

Voting instructions:

- Step 1: Access the Startup portal:

- Step 2: On the home page interface, click “VÒNG BÌNH CHỌN”

- Step 3: Find the name of the project you want to vote on in the “Tìm kiếm dự án” section:

     3.1. “Production of TX GREEN NANO mouthwash to prevent school dental diseases” — by students from Thanh Xuan Middle School, Thanh Xuan District.

     3.2. “SIGNTEGRATE - Communicational support for the deaf in Vietnam by sign language translation application using artificial intelligence” — by students from Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted.

- Step 4: Click “Chi tiết” to view the description, product photos and project information. To vote for a project, click on “Bình chọn dự án”. The screen will show “Thêm dự án thành công!” and go to the assessing section.

- Step 5: After completing the assessment, voters enter their first and last name, email, phone number and then click on “I'm not a robot” for authentication and click the “Đánh giá” button to vote.

- Step 6: When voters have finished entering personal information, the system will send the voting code via email. After entering this code, click “Đánh giá” to complete the voting process.

- If the vote is successful, the screen will display as follows: “Cảm ơn bạn đã tham gia đánh giá. Ban Tổ chức đã ghi nhận kết quả của Bạn!” and then switch to the homepage of the Startup portal