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IOM 2020’s selected students’ assembly

Post by: trangtrang | 18/12/2020 | 972 reads

At noon on Dec. 14, 2020, the school’s board of administration, together with teacher team leaders had a meeting with the selected IOM (International Olympiad of Metropolises) team in view of discussing the preparation phase as well as giving the selected students helpful advice and fervid encouragement.

IOM 2020 chosen team accompanied by the school’s board of administration


The competition was supposed to be held in Russia like it used to be in the previous years; however, as the Covid-19 pandemic was still remarkably prevalent around the time, the competition eventually took place online at competitors’ schools, thus Metropolis 2020 (the chosen team) did the exam on December 16, 17 and 19.

To guarantee the most optimal condition for competitors, the school managing board as well as teachers in charge of the selected team accentuate the importance of the infrastructural preparation process, the response of the competition-related inquiries and the bestowal of gifts as a means of spreading words of motivation amongst selected students.

Mrs. Trần Thùy Dương - Party Committee Secretary - School Principal delivered at the occasion


Eight talented individuals from team Metropolis will each carry a double-duty: representing the school as well as the city to attend this year’s International Olympic, and pouring all efforts into revising for the upcoming National competition for the Gifted:

 - Mathematics:

  • Do Bach Khoa - 12 Mathematics 1

  • Nguyen Duc Anh - Do Bach Khoa - 12 Mathematics 1

- Chemistry:

  • Nguyen Duy Anh - 12 Chemistry 1
  • Nguyen Le Thao Anh - 12 Chemistry 1

- Physics:

  • Tran Quang Vinh - 12 Physics 1
  • Nguyen Hoang Nam - 12 Physics 1

- Informatics:

  • Nguyen Gia Bao - 11 Informatics
  • Nguyen Anh Quan - 11 Informatics

The IOM 2020 selected team together with parents


May Metropolis sweep clean in this year’s competition with confidence and an unwavered spirit to hopefully receive their much deserved upshots!


Interviewer: Luu Gia Dinh - Chinese 1922

Image: Nguyen Thanh Tra - Russian 1922

Translator: Nguyen Duy Nhat Huy - English 2023