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[Celebrating 8/3/2022] Teacher Khuat Duy Dung sharing his insights on the International Women's Day

Post by: trangtrang | 08/03/2022 | 1085 reads

When the first warm rays of spring is seen on the blue sky, it comes the time when people joyfully celebrate March 8. This is an opportunity for the whole world to honor and appreciate every women in the entire world. Without further ado, let's follow Ams Wide Web as we interview a Mr. Khuat Duy Dung - a witty history teacher.

Reporter: So first of all, how important and meaningful is this particular occassion for you?

Mr. Dung: In my personal opinion, March 8 is a treasured opportunity to show care and respect for the women around us, bringing a little extra ounce of happiness to their day.

Teacher Khuat Duy Dung

Reporter: Certainly there are also some very special women in your life, so what do you usually do on this day to honor them?

Mr. Dung: I have the habit of giving flowers and preparing dinner for my wife, my mother and my daughter on this day. Not anything grand, but I could always tell it means a lot to my family.

Reporter: You really are an amazingly conscientious husband! I’ve heard some people say that as opposed to men or boys, women have too many days dedicated to honoring them. What’s your stance on their statement?

Mr. Dung: I don't think it's unfair at all since boys have already received the greatest gifts in life. Husbands who’ve had almost every day to be cared for and loved by their woman should set aside a day or two a year to express gratitude, which isn’t anything too much.


Mr. Dung always appears with a witty smile one his face

Reporter: You are known for being funny and understanding, so can I ask you for some suggestions on what gifts to give women on this particular day of the year?

Teacher Dung: Sometimes nothing is more precious than our effort itself, so even a small congratulatory card with a few cute wishes is enough.

Reporter: Last but not least, what are your wishes for the important half on March 8?

Mr. Dung: On this occasion, I wish for every women on earth the power to always be beautiful, be healthy and be able to do what they love or go where they want.

To all who are enjoying themselves in the special International Women's Day, Ams Wide Web would like to wish you a meaningful and happy March 8th filled with colors and warmth!

Reporter: Duong Bao Ngan - History 2124

Image source: Mr. Dung’s Facebook Account

Translator: Nhat Huy - English 2023

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