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Post by: trangtrang | 17/05/2022 | 585 reads

On the 16th of May, the morning assembly for the teachers and students of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted was held successfully. Several highlights of the gathering include the awarding of accolades for excellent students; the introduction of the Executive Committee of the Union for the upcoming term; and the celebration of President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday on 19th May.


Giang Khanh Chi (12 Physics 1) and Tran Phuong Anh (11 Physics 1), meritorious individuals of the week, had the honor to hoist the flag during the ceremony, on behalf of all the students

With their laudable achievements, two silver medals won in the Northern European Physics Olympiad, Giang Khanh and Tran Phuong Anh (11 Physics 1) had the honor to hoist the flag during the ceremony, on behalf of all the students.

Mr Bui Van Phuc, with the “Outstanding Teacher” achievement, awarded the prizes for students with excellent performance during the Northern European Physics Olympiad

Besides, Nguyen Viet Phong and Nguyen Quang Minh, both from 11 Physics 1, also managed to obtain two bronze medals

Afterwards, last Wednesday, May 11th, following the success of the Youth Union Congress held at all the affiliates, the Union of  Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted has successfully hosted the ceremonious 2021-2022 Congress. During the conference, 15 comrades had been elected to lead the Youth Union activities and movements in the near future.

The introduction of the Executive Committee for the term 2021 - 2022, taking the initiatives for leading the Youth Union activities and movements for time to come.

The Union of Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted was honored to have 7 students receiving the “Three-good Student” award from the city

Then, Teacher Tran Thuy Duong - Secretary of the Party Committee, Principal, together with Teacher Duong Tu Anh - Vice Principal, awarded certificates of merit and prizes to students participating in the movement of “Three-good Student” organized by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, with a view to creating a favourable environment and motivation for students to study, strive and practice. Students with outstanding accomplishments in the “Gifted Students Competition” at regional, national and international level; in co-curricular activities; and in volunteering for organizing national exams. 

Also, during the assembly, the school awarded prizes for representatives from classes actively partaking in the annual contest “Green Learning Space”. Launched by the Executive Committee and the Commanding Committee of the Youth Union of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, the competition aimed to build a friendly learning environment, and raise the communal responsibility for environmental protection.

Classes which have actively participated in the annual event “Green Learning Space”

Finally, in order to commemorate the 132th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (19/5/1980 - 19/5/2022), all students had the opportunity to research, study and train themselves to present to President Ho. The flag-hoisting assembly ended with a captivating performance of the song “Uncle Ho, a boundless love”, presented by HAT - Hanoi-Amsterdam Art Team. Following the song, Cheer Ams, the cheerleading club of the school, buoyed everyone with an energetic dancing performance of the song “The Pioneer Woman”, as if affirming that the youths today will continue to cultivate and train themselves properly to reciprocate the erstwhile generations’ efforts.

The performance “Uncle Ho, a boundless love” presented by students from HAT

Cheer Ams with their confident moves accompanying the song “The Pioneer Woman”

The flag-hoisting assembly has come to a fulfilled end with the introduction of the school Executive Committee for the term 2021-2022. On behalf of the Production Department from Ams Wide Web, we wish all the staff and students of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted will have a productive week ahead. Let’s hope that the newly elected Executive Committee will have a successful term awaiting, and individuals will continue to reap even more laudable achievements.

Journalist: Chu Minh Anh - History 2124

Photographer: Nguyen Thuy Chi - Oxford 2023

Translator: Le Trung Kien - English 2023