In the morning of the 9th of April, at the 200 ballroom, our 6th graders excitedly and enthusiastically participated in Orientation Day with the theme “Hanoi - Amster, our pride”. Following the long period of home-based learning, Orientation day is an event organised annually to welcome new Amsers, with a view to helping to have a closer look at the school’s tradition, and also to familiarising themselves with the environment that they would be a part of for the next four years.
For a start, there were zesty welcoming performances from the cheerleaders from the club “Cheer Ams”, followed by an equally impressive voice of Nguyen Khanh My from class 6E singing the song “Noi vong tay lon”. Finally, the performances ended with the song “Giac mo trua”, gracefully and beautifully presented by students from the club “Glee Ams”.
MC with her opening speech
Following the welcoming performances, the 6th graders, through a video about the school’s tradition, were granted the opportunity to have an insight into Hanoi - Amsterdam’s geographical location, achievements, and also our core values. These are all meaningful and pride-inducing images, which students can closely relate to, about Hanoi - Amsterdam.
The 6th graders during the Orientation Day
Ms Duong Tu Anh - Vice principal of the school, also an Amser of the first generation, has delivered her intimate and sincere sharings with all the new students: “In each heart lies a personality, in each personality lies a human being. We all have to love and to take pride in our home country, our families, our teachers, our school, and our friends.” Beside, she also poked several warm-up questions to get to know the 6th graders better. Ms Duong’s speech ended with her wishes which conveyed the school’s trust in all of them.
Ms Duong Tu Anh had close and intimate sharings with the 6th grader
With the presentation from the 6th graders, the introduction to the school’s uniform was greatly interesting. Thanks to these introductions, all new Amsers have become even more proud to be able to put on such energetic and youthful uniforms. Besides, under the guidance of Nguyen Xuan Mai - Member of the school’s Young Pioneers Executive Committee, our 6th graders have actively taken part in learning about the school logo. Hence, the badge has become even more appreciated by all the students, who fully understood the core values towards which students of Hanoi - Amsterdam need to guide themselves.
The 6th graders confidently presented the school’s uniform
Nguyen Xuan Mai - a 9th grade from class 9 Manchester helping her juniors learn about the school badge’s meaning
Students delighted to learn more about the school
Up next, the seniors from the club “Glee Ams” were the dedicated instructors who helped 6th graders learn the school song, which has associated closely with Amsers of all the previous generations.
Members from the club Glee Ams instructed the 6th-grade students regarding the school’s traditional song
After the event “Hanoi - Amsterdam, our pride”, the students were led by their senior volunteers and teachers on a trip around the school they were about to attend. They were brought to the school’s campus, multi-purpose rooms, and especially, the traditional room, where the 6th graders got to understand the school’s traditions and achievements with greater depth, from which they would be inspired to work harder.
Students taking photo with their form teacher, which would be saved as a valued memory
The 6th graders taking photo in the school’s traditional room
An fascinating school tour has taken place smoothly under the instruction of the seniors and school teachers.
The 2021-2025 6th graders have had a wondrous day at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the gifted, being able to learn more about the traditions of the place they would go to almost every day for the next four years. We wish you unforgettably happy days at Hanoi - Amsterdam packed with beautiful memories of friends, teachers and the school. Let’s hope that in the days to come, a day of studying at Hanoi - Amsterdam is a day of elation.
Journalist: Chu Minh Anh - History 2124
Photographer: Chuc Khanh Linh - Manchester 1822
Translator: Le Trung Kien - English 2023