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Comrade Trương Thị Mai attends Hanoi - Amsterdam High School’s Initiation Ceremony to the Party

Post by: trangtrang | 04/06/2022 | 935 reads

On 4/6, Hanoi - Amsterdam High School’s Party has organized an initiation ceremony to the Party for the two outstanding Union members, namely Nguyễn Hải Đăng (12 Physics 2) and Nguyễn Đình Minh (12 I.T.). Comrade Trương Thị Mai, the politburo’s commissioner, Party secretary and head of the central committee attended it for a speech.

At the ceremony, there was also the presence of comrade Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Party commissioner, the Central Union’s Party secretary and the Youth Union’s first Secretary; comrade Nguyễn Thị Tuyến, Party commissioner and Hanoi Municipal Party  current vice-secretary; comrade Vũ Đức Bảo, head of Hanoi Municipal Party’s organizing committee; comrade  Trần Thế Cương, member of Hanoi Municipal Party and manager of the MOET of Hanoi.

At the ceremony, comrade Nguyễn Văn Chiến, current vice-secretary at the District Party and the president of Cầu Giấy district people’s Assembly approved of the initiation for Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh.

Ms. Trần Thùy Dương, Party secretary and headmaster of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School shared her thoughts: “Throughout their years of studying at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School, in addition to the hard efforts in their relentless pursuit of knowledge, Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh has gone to great lengths in their cultivation of political virtues and bravery to earn their position as Vietnam’s Party members”.

Đồng chí Trương Thị Mai dự Lễ kết nạp Đảng viên mới tại trường chuyên Hà Nội-Amsterdam -0

Representatives taking pictures with the two young Party members (Pictures: SƠN BÁCH)

During her speech at the ceremony, comrade Trương Thị Mai recognized and praised Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted’s efforts in the identification, fostering and execution of the initiation ceremony for High School students qualified to join the Communist Party of Vietnam. Recounting the school’s glorious long-standing traditions, comrade Trương Thị Mai had high regards for its quality of education and believed in Hanoi - Amsterdam High School’s continued endeavor to earn even greater accomplishments in the future.

Comrade also delivered a congratulatory speech to the two young Party members, Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh for their past hard work while also reminding them to keep up the spirit of endurance, accentuating their duties to wholeheartedly cater to the needs of the Party and the people.

Đồng chí Trương Thị Mai dự Lễ kết nạp Đảng viên mới tại trường chuyên Hà Nội-Amsterdam -0

Comrade Trương Thị Mai spoke at the occasion (Pictures: SƠN BÁCH) 

The head of the Central Committee requested that the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and Hanoi’s Committee maintain their concern for developing bright Union students into Party members. Comrade noted that there needs to be more attention and cooperation with committees in universities and abroad for these bright High School Union members’ endeavor to continue and the work of the Committee and teachers as well as the members themselves not to be wasted.

Bearing in mind the remarks made by the head of the Central Committee, comrade Nguyễn Thị Tuyến, Hanoi Committee vice-secretary, said: “Over the past few years, the Hanoi Committee has paid special attention to the development of Party members, notably the initiation of new ones from universities, colleges as well as bright ones from high schools. The initiation ceremony of high school students into the Party served not only to rejuvenate the Party’s demographics but also, more importantly, contribute in the orientation of political and ideological education in all schools, spreading among the youths the belief in the Communist Party of Vietnam and Uncle Ho”.

The ceremony for the two excellent students, Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh, was carried out by the school’s Committee to celebrate the 111th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s quest for national salvation hoping that these young Party members continue their hard work to typify Uncle Ho’s ideologies and virtues.

Đồng chí Trương Thị Mai dự Lễ kết nạp Đảng viên mới tại trường chuyên Hà Nội-Amsterdam -0

Comrade Trương Thị Mai brings anniversary gifts for teachers and students of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School (Picture: SƠN BÁCH) 

Two students honored at the Party’s initiation ceremony were both outstanding and bright faces of students at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School in academic as well as non-academic performances.

Nguyễn Hải Đăng, currently attending 12 Physics 2 in Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted. During the schoolyears 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, Hải Đăng earned an average GPA of over 9,0. He also received numerous national and international prizes such as: First Place in the district-level S&E contest, Runner-up in the city-level S&E contest, Fourth Place in the national S&E contest (representing Vietnam at Intel ISEF 2018’s exchange program), Bronze at KIYO 4i 2020…

Not just a high-achiever academically, Hải Đăng also showed his proactiveness and enthusiasm in extracurricular activities both at and outside school, alongside activities at the Union and youth movements. He was a former president of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School’s club specialized in Robotics year 2020-2021…

As for Nguyễn Đình Minh, he obtained an excellent GPA of over 9,0, which led him to receive the school’s honor scholarship and another one for bright students at magnet schools. Đình Minh also earned a Consolation Prize at Hanoi’s city-level I.T. Olympiad year 2020-2021, a Second Prize at Hanoi’s city-level I.T. Olympiad year 2021-2022, …

As a class president of an I.T specialized class, he, along with the faction, earned Third Place at NHAT 2020-2021. Đình Minh was a pioneer in a host of other community-based activities at his school, too.

Prior to the occasion, on 26/3, Hanoi - Amsterdam High School’s Party Committee also organized an initiation ceremony into Vietnam’s Communist Party for Đỗ Hoàng Quốc Bảo, student of 12 Math 1. The event was special as it has been 37 years since the last time a student joined the Party.


According to the People’s Press