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Post by: trangtrang | 28/12/2021 | 986 reads

“RÉVEILLON: A DREAM CHRISTMAS DAY” was a night to remember. On Christmas Eve, while families around the world were enjoying the warm atmosphere of their gatherings, homeless people had no choice but to lay against concrete walls and cold rolling doors to overcome the loneliness of the last cold days before the new year began. Strolling along the banks of Hoan Kiem Lake, we can see many people using pavements as their bed, the street as their home, with clear unhappiness on their tiresome faces.

Empathizing with such unfortunate lives, We Are 222 Club wishes to offer help, either great or small, with a view to brightening up their day. Following the success of “Réveillon 2020: LIGHTSHOW”, “Réveillon 2021: A Dream Christmas Day” continues with the mission of delivering a warm and peaceful Christmas season to the homeless and poor laborers.

Having raised funds through selling cakes, We Are 222 allocated their budget on food, socks, gloves, woolen towels, essential items... and sent these goods to those in need.

  • Time: December 13-24, 2021

  • Location: Hoan Kiem Lake, Hanoi

  • Content: The event consists of 2 main activities

  • Online fundraising application opening date: December 13-21, 2021

  • Giving poor laborers/homeless people 50 gifts including essential items (bread, milk, socks, towels,...): 12/24/2021

Despite having to raise funds online, 222 surpassed the 100-order-mark in just 1 week. On top of that, there are also many benefactors and parents who offered immense amounts in cash. Therefore, it can be agreed upon that 222’s been successful in its mission, and has gained plenty of attention from everyone both inside and outside Hanoi.

In the face of the pandemic, with the thorough preparation of 222’s core members & their parents, 50 gifts were sent out to the hands of poor laborers/the homeless along the banks of Hoan Kiem Lake. Seeing their eyes suddenly lit bright , every 222 members felt glowing warmth.

In only one evening, the road by Hoan Kiem Lake became unusually warm, creating the perfect backdrop for heartfelt moments of sharing and caring. This event is the perfect opportunity for 222’s members to participate in meaningful activities, contribute to the community, accumulate more socio-cultural knowledge and hone organizational/leadership skills.

Translator: Nhat Huy - English 2023