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Honoring 100 exemplary families of teachers in Hanoi

Post by: trangtrang | 28/06/2022 | 671 reads

On June 28, the Trade Union of Hanoi Education and Training held a conference to honor the outstanding Hanoi teacher families in 2022, as well as to commend the program "1 million initiatives - a creative effort to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic”.

The female teachers of Hanoi are awarded

Trade Union of Hanoi Education and Training currently has 187 grassroots trade unions with more than 12,000 members, more than 80% of which are females. In response to the movement "Building an exemplary family of civil servants" of the city, the Trade Union of Hanoi Education and Training has concretized with the movement by associating with other education movements such as "Every teacher a statue of morality and creativity", "Good at school, Good at home - My teacher, My mom",…

Vice Chairman of the Hanoi Confederation of Labor Le Dinh Hung speaking at the conference

Witnessing the complicated development of Covid-19, the Trade Union of Hanoi Education and Training has implemented many creative solutions to overcome hardships, helping civil servants feel more secure to stick with their units. Many units have had practical models: Teacher groups payroll establish funds to help unpaid contract teachers; Teacher groups go shopping together to secure food for numerous families during the pandemic…

In order to encourage teachers in building such exemplary families, the Hanoi Education Industry Trade Union directed the grassroot trade unions to promote the scheme. Accordingly, the grassroots has honored over 2,000 families at the school level, 100 of which have been honored at the city level.

Mrs. Pham Thi Bich Hong, a Russian teacher at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted receiving a Certificate of Merit

Aside from buiding the aforementioned exemplary families, Hanoi teachers also actively responded to the program "1 million initiatives - a creative effort to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic". The program will be implemented from September 2021 up until May 2023 and is divided into two phases. By the end of phase 1, the whole industry’s gathered nearly 4,000 initiatives, meeting 415% of the asigned quota.

Translator: Nhat Huy - English 2023