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Post by: trangtrang | 04/06/2022 | 1161 reads

The development of the Party has been one of the focal points of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School during the past few years, aiming to recognize and train distinguished adolescent Union members into young Party members, contributing to the construction and development of our nation.

On the grounds of the charters of Vietnam’s Communist Party and policy no. 45-QĐ/TW of execution of the Party’s charters which details the rules and laws in the charters following decisions no. 1086-QĐ/QU and 1088-QĐ/QU in 25/05/2022 issued by Cầu Giấy Committee regarding criteria around initiations, at 9 AM Saturday, in 04/06/2022, with permission from Cầu Giấy Committee, Party members at Hanoi - Amsterdam High School solemnly hosted a Party Initiation Ceremony for outstanding Union members Nguyễn Hải Đăng from 12 Physics 2 and Nguyễn Đình Minh from 12 I.T. to join the Party.

The initiation ceremony for Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh was organized by the school’s Party members in celebration of the 111th anniversary of Chairman Ho Chi Minh’s journey to national salvation, hoping that these young members will strive to study and exemplify Dear Uncle Ho’s ideologies and virtues.

The 111th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s journey to national salvation and the initiation ceremony for the school’s 2 special students  were warmly visited by Central delegates: Comrade Trương Thị Mai, member of Politburo, Secretary of the Central Committee, Central President; Comrade Hoàng Đăng Quang, Central Committee member, Central Vice-president; Comrade Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Central Committee member, First Secretary of the Central HCYU. In Hanoi Committee, there were: Comrade Nguyễn Thị Tuyến, Central Committee member, Standing Vice-secretary of Hanoi Committee; Comrade Vũ Đức Bảo, Standing Committee member, President of Hanoi Committee; Comrade Trần Thế Cương, Committee member, Manager of Hanoi’s MOET. Finally, school officials also visited the ceremony, namely: Comrade Trần Thùy Dương, Party Secretary, School Principal and other Party comrades, the School board  as well as all Party Committee members. 

In the 111th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s journey to national salvation, delegates and the whole Committee revisited pictures  filled with significant hallmarks in the life and cause of Chairman Hồ Chí Minh and the Vietnamese people’s adoration for him through videos about his national salvation as well as an animation titled “Two hands” produced by the school. The school also expressed gratitude and commemorated him through a musical repertoire.

The school’s arts crew performed for the 111th anniversary of Chairman Ho’s national salvation

Moreover, the 111th anniversary of Uncle Ho’s national salvation was celebrated by Hanoi - Amsterdam High School with the “Uncle Ho’s journey to national salvation” art gallery.

Comrade Trương Thị Mai and esteemed delegates visited the art gallery

During the Initiation Ceremony of 2 students Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh, comrade Phạm Ngọc Hùng - Literature - History - Library Cell member has stepped forward to decide on the initiation by Cầu Giấy standing Committee.

Afterwards, comrade Nguyễn Văn Chiến - standing Vice-secretary of Cầu Giấy and President of Cầu Giấy Committee, gave his final decision on each member’s initiation.

Comrade Nguyễn Văn Chiến gave his decision on comrade Nguyễn Hải Đăng

Comrade Nguyễn Đình Minh gave his decision on comrade Nguyễn Đình Minh

Followed was comrade Dương Tú Anh - Secretary of the Literature - History - Library Cell, who detailed the duties and rights of a Party member and allocated other official members to assist them during preparation time.

Comrade Trần Thùy Dương, Party Secretary then encouraged and advised these young members with her experience

The Initiation Ceremony for the school’s two Party students was also honored to welcome comrade Trương Thị Mai, XIII session’s Politburo member, Central Party Secretary, Central Party President, who came to give a directive speech. In it, she recognized and praised the efforts undertaken by Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted in the recognition, training and initiation of high school students eligible to join Vietnam’s Communist Party.

Revisiting the glorious historical traditions of the school, comrade Trương Thị Mai held  high opinions for its training quality while also believing in Hanoi - Amsterdam High School’s mission to continue achieving greater goals in the future.

Comrade Trương Thị Mai with delegates and the two new Party members

Comrade Trương Thị Mai sent meaningful gifts along with best wishes to Hanoi - Amsterdam High School for the Gifted

The Central Party President requested Hanoi’s Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union to continue their interest in the development of Party members from distinguished Union students. Comrade also noted that these organizations require the care and connection with Committees from universities and overseas for excellent high school Union members’ endeavors to be continued and the efforts by the Committee, teachers as well as Union members themselves not to be wasted.

Two students honored to join the Party on this special occasion were both outstanding examples of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School students, in studying and in training.

Nguyễn Hải Đăng, currently a student of 12 Physics 2 from Hanoi - Amsterdam High School. 

Comrade Nguyễn Hải Đăng at the Initiation Ceremony

During his high school years, Nguyễn Hải Đăng consistently had a GPA above 9,3. Hải Đăng’s academic achievement is equally admirable with national and international prizes such as: Fourth Place at the National Science and Technology Olympiad (Vietnamese representative at Intel ISEF 2018), Bronze at the Science competition KIYO 4i 2020, “Engineering Design Award” at the international FIRST Robotics Competition (Team 6520) year 2021…

Not only maintaining excellent academic performance, Hải Đăng also actively and enthusiastically partook in extracurricular activities at and outside school with Union activities and youth movements. Additionally, he is a former president of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School’s Robotics club term 2020-2021. He inspired everyone with his love and zest while also nurturing a competitive environment for young students to express themselves and their passion for robots. Hải Đăng was also president of the Robotics and Programming GART CAMP 2021 in collaboration with The American Center Hà Nội from the American Embassy.

Nguyễn Hải Đăng (standing on the right) with the teacher in charge and Ams members competing in the international FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) 2021, earning the “Engineering Design Award”

Nguyễn Hải Đăng during a free STEM lesson for students at Thụy Phương Secondary School

Also honored to join the Party in the initiation ceremony was student Nguyễn Đình Minh from class 12 I.T. 

Comrade Nguyễn Đình Minh at the Initiation Ceremony

Nguyễn Đình Minh was an exemplary class president, possessing not just good academic performance but also eagerness to assist classmates in this aspect. His average GPA throughout his high school years scores above 9.3, earning honors scholarships and excellent magnet school students scholarships from the school. Đình Minh also gained Consolation Prize at Hanoi I.T. Olympiad years 2020-2021, Second Prize at Hanoi I.T. Olympiad years 2021-2022…

Nguyễn Đình Minh (left) during the Travézia concert organized by CLB Glee Ams

Under the role of a I.T. specialized faction president, he along with his faction gained Third Place in NHAT 2020-2021. Đình Minh was also the president of club Glee Ams years 2020-2021, serving as leaders in multiple clubs aimed to spread a passion in arts and other community work at the school. He, alongside other Union members of the Party Cell, understood the importance of protecting the environment and recycling scrap paper. 

Comrade Nguyễn Đình Minh and his faction earned Third Place in NHAT 2020

Through a process of training, cultivation, striving and growing from participating in Union activities and fervent emulation movements, under the guidance, help and companionship of Party members in the Literature - History - Library Cell, School Executive Committee members, Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh have asserted themselves and gained the love and trust of their teachers, family members and friends.

To this moment, Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh have volunteered to join Vietnam’s Communist Party with the help of Cells and Committees to send the request to the Party for approval.

Honored and proud to be one of the first students of Hanoi - Amsterdam High School and one of the few high school students at Hanoi joining the ranks of the Party, in the Party Initiation Ceremony, two young Party members Nguyễn Đình Minh and Nguyễn Hải Đăng vowed to continue striving and excelling more in their efforts to complete the duties of a Party member, look up to the great President Ho Chi Minh so as to prove their worthiness of the trust and adoration from Party leaders, the school’s Committee, teachers and friends. 

A summary of Nguyễn Hải Đăng and Nguyễn Đình Minh’s academic and extracurricular achievements:

1. Nguyễn Hải Đăng: 

a. Academic:

- Fourth Place at the National Science and Technology Olympiad (Vietnamese rep. at Intel ISEF 2018)

- Scored 8.0 in IELTS

- “Engineering Design Award” at the international FIRST Robotics Competition (Team 6520) year 2021.

- Bronze at the Science competition KIYO 4i 2020.

- Consolation Prize at the City-level Physics Olympiad years 2020 - 2021.

b. Extracurricular

- Leader of team 6520 in the international FIRST Robotics Competition year 2021.

- Head of Media-Design at a Physics and Youth club in Hanoi – Amsterdam High School year 2019-2020. 

- Member of the Society of Open Science in Hanoi – Amsterdam High School 2019-2020. 

- Volunteer of the environmental project The Plastic Hero 2019. 

- President of the Robotics and Programming GART CAMP 2021 in collaboration with American Center Hà Nội from the American Embassy.

- Co-founder of STEM Tech Fair at American Center Hà Nội from the American Embassy in Hanoi.

2. Nguyễn Đình Minh:

a. Academic:

- Consolation Prize at Hanoi I.T. Olympiad years 2020-2021

- Second Place at Hanoi I.T. Olympiad years 2021-2022

b. Extracurricular: 

- At the Friendly class contest in March of 2021, mobilized Union members to plant and take care of green trees in the Youth garden and all classrooms and hallways.

- President of club Glee Ams, successfully hosting the musical night Travézia (an audience of over 200).

- Vice-head of finance in the musical programme G’LAMS 2020: “Moon’s shadow day” organized on 20/10/2020 at the Viet Xo Friendship Cultural Palace.

- Director of the show G’LAMS 2122: “Hollow lanterns” organized at the Military Theater in 7/6/2022 to fund the charitable programme “Cặp lá yêu thương”.

- Joined a voluntary teaching programme organized by University of Economics and Business - VNU.

-  Joined a contest about 65 years of tradition of the Vietnam Youth Federation.

- Donated clothes, food and to the construction of bridges in Hà Giang. 

The ceremony ended in the delightful and exhilarating atmosphere of the school’s Committee, whose hearts were touched by the two students’ initiation to Vietnam’s Communist Party.

Reporter: Đặng Thục Anh - Chinese 2124

Photographer: Nguyễn Thủy Chi - Oxford 2023

Translator: Duc Lam - English 2023