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Post by: trangtrang | 08/03/2019 | 2386 reads

As a practice, the 3rd of March every year is an occasion to honor and show our care for women all over the world. On this occasion, let’s find out the origin and the meaning of this day with Ams Wide Web!

International Women’s Day originated from a movement of female textile workers in the U.S. at the end of the 19th century.

Women demonstrating on the streets in the U.S.

On March 8th 1957, the textile workers rose up to protest against their harsh working conditions in New York. Two years later, also in March, the female workers formed the first union to be protected and enjoy some rights. As a result of 15,000 women demonstrating on the streets requesting for a raise in salary, a decrease in working hours and the abolition of child labour on March 8th 1908; the Socialist Party of America declared that February 28th will be the International Women’s Day.

A year later, on March 8th 1910, with the participation of 100 female delegates, the Women’s Conference was held, taking the annual 8th of March as the International Women’s Day - a result of the will to ceaseless fight for peace, equality and independence of  women all over the world.

International Women’s Day around the world

In addition to International Women's Day, 1975 was recognized by the United Nations as the year of women. By 2011, President Barack Obama announced March as the "historic month" of women in the United States.

In Vietnam, besides March 8th, there is October 20th which is chosen to be Vietnam’s Women’s Day.

The noble meaning of International Women’s Day

The important role of women in the society is undeniable. They are the ones who can handle both domestic and public tasks so well: they do not only well accomplish housework even if there are so many things to worry about: family, children; but they also make contribution to the development of the country. Women themselves hold a very sacred vocation - motherhood and raising, caring and nurturing children. Therefore, they deserve the care, the love and the sympathy of the whole society not only on March 8th but also on every single day of the year.

In order to pay tribute to women on this day, we usually give them flowers, surprising presents or wonderful wishes. This is also an occasion for men to express their hearts, respect and care for the women they love.

 Gifts for the other half of the world on March 8th

In the event of International Women’s Day 8/3, the Editorial Board of Ams Wide Web would love to send our best wishes to grandmothers, mothers and sisters. We wish you everlasting beauty, charm, peace, health and success in life. We hope you have a delightful 8/3 with your beloved ones. For all female staff and teachers of Ams, we wish you health, happiness and achievement in the career of educating students. Wish all the female Amsers best performances to fulfil all their intentions in the future.

Reporter: Nguyen Khanh Linh - French 1 1821

Translator: Minh Anh - Russian 1821