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Interviewing Ms. Phan Hong Anh – the sunflower of Hanoi-Amsterdam High School

Post by: trangtrang | 20/09/2017 | 3532 reads

Teacher Phan Hong Anh was a student of class 6C-7C, 8E-9E batch 01-05 and Math 1 batch 05-08 of Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted. In 2012, after graduating Hanoi National University of Educationwith a Math major, she returned to Hanoi-Amsterdam to become the Math teacher that many students adore till this day. 

Reporter: As an Amser after 7 years of studying at Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, do you have any specific memories that you would like to share?


Ms. Hong Anh: I am one of the luckiest students who got the chance to study at Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted for the whole 7 years, from grade 6 to grade 12. During those days, the school itself was not as modern as it is at the moment, but rather situated on Nam Cao Street with an abundance of greenery. I still remembered the first day of school, which took me on a roller-coaster of emotions: proud to be student of a specialized school, happy to make more new friends, but nervous and worried to realize that everyone is an excellent student… Yet everything soon became more familiar. Ams has really turned into my second home where I keep the most unforgettable memories of school years.


Reporter:What is so special that it inspired you to become a Math teacher at Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted?


Ms. Hong Anh: It is my dream ever since childhood to be a teacher and to follow the footstep of those who taught me so much when I was a student. As Amsers, we all remember the phrase “Once Amser, forever Amser.” Being able to return to the school is again not only a dream of mine but also of many other Amsers. As a past student of the school, having grown so much as a person during the time spent at Hanoi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted then became a teacher in Ams’ education panel, that dream has really become a reality. I feel very proud, very happy, and will forever remind myself to push harder to provide next generations the core value that I received from my teachers and Hanoi-Amsterdam.



Teacher Phan Hong Anh on Ao Dai day with her class, Math 2 batch 13-16


Reporter: During the years studying at Ams, do you have any fond memories?


Ms. Hong Anh:Those days could easily be one of the happiest and saddest time of everybody’s life. Some miss the fallen leaves, some miss the morning run from the bus stop to the school gate on Nam Cao street, some miss the hot rich dishes at the school’s cafeteria. But for me, perhaps the most memorable event was my first time unable to answer the teacher’s question in grade 6. On that day, I was so scared, worried that the teacher might yell at me, worried that I may get bad grades, and worried that classmates might consider me as poorly educated... The pressure and nervousness got the best of me, and a bad mark was a reasonable consequence. I thought a harsh punishment from the teacher was in store, but no. The strict yet forgiving tone of her reminder and encouragement that I should study harder, revise the lesson regularly, and raise my hands to fix the bad score has inspired in me a little faith and a big motivation. During the break, my friends sympathized with me and asked me to go to the canteen to buy “lucky” treats. I was over the moon; every worry was washed away just like the sunshine after a heavy rain. It was one of the many small things that kept me close with my friends, teachers, and the school for all 7 years.


Reporter: What do you think is the most important factor that has shaped you till this day?


Ms. Hong Anh:I think that the most significant factor contributing to my success is my talents, passion, and work ethics. Personally, my passion began during the years spent at Ams, which helped me strengthen my will, my hard work, and my exploration of hidden talents within myself. Those efforts will to greater success during the first step of one’s education or career progress. This success will then fuel the fire of passion. Recognition from others, self-satisfaction for every achievement obtained will be the best fuel for all of the decisions made in our lifetime.


Teacher Phan Hong Anh shone at the National Teacher Pageant.


Reporter: Do you have any lessons for today’s Amsers?


Ms. Hong Anh:Nowadays, Amsers are so talented, brilliant, and independent. I always feel very proud to have the opportunity to accompany them and witness their continual success. To interact with my students is to realize that Amsers now are far more confident compared to those of the past, who was quite reserved, in terms of interacting with mature adults. Confidence is great, but I hope that you students understand that it should be coupled with education. Education does not only mean technical knowledge, social knowledge, not only mean reading, listening, ... but also refer to the experience and life lessons. Overconfidence, impatience, lack of listening skills, ... can hinder your progress and your path to true success. I hope you will mature to continue spreading your wings and reaching for new lands to live up to the love and expectations of your teachers and parents as well as to fulfill your own aspiration.


Reporter: Thank you for agreeing to have this conversation with me today. On behalf of Ams Wide Web, I wished you well on your way to even greater success.


Reporter: Tung Duong – Chemistry 1 16-19

Translator: Hai Dang – English 1 15-18 

(Photo: Facebook Phan Hong Anh)