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Meet Le Manh Linh: Amser setting the record of successful application to three top American Universities.

Post by: trangtrang | 08/06/2018 | 2562 reads

Le Manh Linh, student of English 1 1518, has sucessfully been admitted to 3 prestigious Ivy League university: University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth College and, with emphasis, Yale University, one of the three best universities in America. Manh Linh has also chosen Yale as his next academic destination. Join Ams Wide Web as we interview this talented, one-of-a-kind young man!


1. Since when did you make the decision to study abroad? How did you prepare for application?

I started wondering about my choices after high school, questioning where I would go to and what kind of environment I would opt for. I soon got driven by the excellence of education as well as the generosity of universities in America.

Apart from preparing for standardized tests, I had never really “set out” anything to anticipate during application. Test-wise, I personalized my study plan and tried my best to finish every exam in one take. I did whatever extracurricular activities I enjoyed and pushed myself to do them with all my effort.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho le manh linh

Manh Linh as Secretary General of IVMUN 2018

2. On what criteria did you build your CV? Perfection and excellence, I suppose?

My first criterion, I believe, is that everything you do must stem from your liking, if not, don’t do it. When I took up SAT II , AP or any projects, I was always joyful and relaxed, not stressed out. More importantly, I support the believe that you should do everything with all you’ve got, never overestimate or underestimate yourself, and don’t let perfectionism overpower your main goals. As long as we set our heart on what we do, everything will be fine.

3. Have your achievements fulfilled what you and your family aspired? Are you surprised or worried?

I feel pretty good, for some unexpected achievements, partly because I usually "plan for the worst, hope for the best". Hardly did I rely on anything, therefore I never felt underwhelming. I received mental and financial support from family, but I always figured out my own way and scarcely fall back on my family.


Manh Linh at his co-founded exhibition: Young 4 Old

4. Do you have any advice for students aiming for application abroad, especially Amsers?  

First of all, you should know how to balance yourself for your own good. Application or overseas study is a long journey that doesn’t last for just one or two days, therefore, difficulty can arise. Dreams can turn into nightmares at any point. I also expect youths to learn the skill of listening, so as to understand common values of the community and differentiate those from personal merits. This is what every university, not only in the U.S, seek from applicants.

Thank you Manh Linh for such an inspirational conversation. Congratulations on you very first success. Best wishes to you , your future plans and aspirations!

*Le Manh Linh’s achievements:

- Second prize in the 2014 District Examination for Gifted Students for English

- First prize in the 2015 City Examination for Gifted Students for English

- Silver Medal in the 2015 City English Olympics

- Best Delegate of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Vietnam Model United Nations 2015

- Distinction in Australian Mathematics Competition năm 2015

- Best Delegate of US National Security Cabinet (US NSC), Joint Crisis Council (JCC), Vietnamese Youth Model United Nations 2016

- Second prize in the 2016 and 2017 City Examination for Gifted Students for English

- Second prize in the 2017 and 2018 National Examination for Gifted Students for English

- First prize in the 2017 City Internet Olympics English

- Best Delegate of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), We Model United Nations 2017

Extracurricular activities:

- Co-head of Content Developers at Nineternal 2015: LAVA

- Secretary General at Ams Model United Nations 2015

- President of Hanoi Amsterdam Model UN Association (HMA) 2016-2017

- Head of Organization Board at Pandorams 2016

- Founder of Hanoi Amsterdam International Relations Society

- Secretary General at International Vietnam Model United Nations 2017 và 2018

- Head of Logistics at Ams Got Talent 9

- Vice-head of Content Developers, Chair of United Nations Educational, Social, and Cultural Organization at United Nations Vietnam Model Conference 2016

- Content Developer, Chair of Council of the European Union at International Vietnam Model United Nations 2016

- Chair of United Nations Children’s Fund at Youth Society Model United Nations 2016

- Chair of Crisis Council, Head of Delegation at UNIS Model United Nations 2017

- Member of Logistics Department at Pandorams 2015

-Content developer at Ngay Hoi Anh Tai 2015: Clarion

- Content Developer and Member of Science Department at Society of Open Science, 2015-2016

- Content Developer at Tễu Project 2015

- Member of Debate Club

Interviewer: Nguyen Phương - Literature 1619

Photos from Le Manh Linh

Translated by Hong Minh - English 1 1720