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Tran Anh Duc – “the strange wind” of 2012 National Competition for Excellent Students

Post by: Mai Thành Sơn | 08/05/2012 | 24363 reads

An interview with Tran Anh Duc – a boy who has eliminated all the prejudices that Literature, up to now, is intended only for “the weak gender” by brilliantly achieving the First Prize in The 2012 National Competition for Excellent Students in Literature.

PV: Hello! Although it has been nearly a month since the result day, I still congratulate you on winning the First Prize in the National Competition for Excellent Students in Literature. Upon receiving the news that you had won the First Prize, how did you feel? Did you think that you would win any prize, and more so the highest one in the competion?

Anh Duc: Of course the very first emotion was flourishing bliss, all that afternoon I felt like floating on the cloud number nine. Frankly speaking, after finishing the examination, I did not feel satisfied, despite my strong belief that I would get some kinds of achievements. I never imagined myself winning the highest prize in the competion, which literally made my journey back to earth a little bit…harder!


PV: Can you share your secret guides in writing excellent essays?

Actually, there aren’t any guides at all. All common tasks of a student who “accidentally” falls in love with Literature, consist of: studying, reading, writing. Among them, I pay particular attention to studying and reading. That I gain valuable experiences from both the teachers in class, as well as friends around me, does attribute to my writing an essay with few mistakes. It’s also impossible to write a decent essay without possessing considerable and vast knowledge on Literature – which can only be gathered from a diverse collection of books. Particularly, the book titles I read are not restricted to Literature only, but consists of many different subjects, especially History and Culture. However, the most important thing for me is the love for Literature: only in pure passion can we study and read Literature most effectively.

PV: I heard that you have great liking towards books. So what kinds of books are the most useful to you in writing? And what is your guide in combining the knowledge you accumulate from your teachers with your own understanding?

I believe that there are no useless books when it comes to writing, provided they are useful books. Since Literature is life, understanding life is understanding Literature, and all good books are most highly eclectic and purified discoveries of life. But, to directly relate to writing, of course we should read Literature books (such as novels, critical articles,…)thoroughly, after which are books on Philosophy, History, Culture, Geography – the relative subjects with Literature. Anyway, I think everybody’s life is a book itself. Nam Cao said: “Live before writing.” Living a closely, truthfully and faithfully life is the most useful book for writing. 

I do not meet any difficulties in combining knowledge from teachers and my own understanding, because most of the time they are quite similar. My teachers also encouraged students to express their opinions and all of us can fill in what is amiss. 


PV: Not only your study results are great, but you have also participated in many extra-curricular activities, one of the which is “Race to Olympia Mount” produced by Vietnam’s TV Broadcasting Station. How can you balance between your study and other activities?

Everyone has 24 hours a day. Thus, the best way to balance between study and after-class activities is to balance your own schedule: which to do first or next should be classified logically and followed strictly. However, the first priority must always be your study.

PV: Do you have any plans for your future career? Which major do you intend to pursue? Would you continue to pursue writing, by becoming a poet, novelist, journalist or script-writer,…?

I plan to pursue Laws and Regulations. I may become a lawyer, or a barrister. However, my fate with Literature is not going to end. The career of Literature is difficult but comfortable: it does not restrict you to only pursuing it. I would possibly write a few novels, compose a few poems, once in a while publish a few articles and I hope they would not meet me at the public WC!


PV: Most famous novelists belong to “the stronger gender” but it is a fact that Literature class rarely has a boy. What do you think about this? What do you think would make male students like Literature?

Personally, I think there is an emotional barrier for boys when it comes to Literature: it seems to be a subject only for girls. Moreover, with the current society, social subjects including Literature are being disregarded, hence Literature classes not only lack boys, but the amount of attendance is gradually decreasing. I think our educators should pay more attention to solve this issue, because to become a perfect human being, one can not lack social skills – we are living together in human society! On the other hand, I think genders are not at all a problem here. It has been proved that a lot of students in scientific classes can study Literature very well, logically and clearly – only lacking a little talent to write a good essay.  

Literature is also a product of humans’ wisdom, so everyone can study and comprehend Literature. The most important point is how to teach and learn it. Lastly, don’t force anyone to have an affection for Literature but let him explore and appreciate the beautiful values of Literature himself.

PV: Does being one of the only 3 guys in Literature class make you feel timorous and embrassed? What have you done to remove the prejudices against guys in Literature class?

Truth be told, the Literature class this year with 3 guys has been a great success, compared to previous years. Sometimes I feel unconfident, especially on special occasions such as 8/3 or 20/10, when the “working labour” in class is severely short. To compensate for that, however, I am a member of a terrific class. That is more than enough!

I know some prejudices against guys in Literature class as well as Literature class as a whole, but ironically, almost any specialized classes receives several prejudices. I do not care and would never have any intention of eradicating those prejudices. Let the truth speak for itself!


PV: Do you have any advice for students in grade 9 who are planning to study Literature, espically male students? When you studied Literature, how did your family encourage and advise you?

I do not have any advices that are more antiquated but meaningful than this “Write to your best”. Prove your talents on those white papers, and don’t be afraid of anyone or anything. To write an outstanding essay, you ought to make sure your handwriting is coherenct, comprehensive, especially sincere. Add a little bit of feelings and creativity to enlighten your essays. This definitely turns those delightful papers into roads paved with roses that direct you to Literature, to success.

When I studied for Literature class, my family did not say much but only advised me to try my best not to regret in the future. Truth be told, that year I sat for the entrance examination to Hanoi Amsterdam High School “only for fun” because I, as well as my family, was inclined to study in Thang Long High School (I passed with very good results).  But to the 89th minute, everything changed. And now I am standing in beloved Amsterdam.

Thank you for this interesting interview. Wish you the best in your choice for an appropriate university to study, make your dreams come true, and be successful in the future!

Author: Hang Anh (V 10-13)

Translator: Linh Chi (A2 11-14)

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