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[Vietnamese Teachers’ Day] To you - the cultivator of the Biology seed

Post by: trangtrang | 30/11/2014 | 4118 reads

There is a saying that I am especially fond of: “Just as the engineer is pleased when he sees his newly-built bridge and the farmer smiles when he sees his newly-tilled field, the teacher is happy when he sees his students grow up.” Just like the firm bridges built with the patience of the engineer and the verdant field tilled by  the farmer’s meticulous hands, generations of Hanoi – Amsterdam High School for the Gifted gradually grow up after each and every lesson from their teachers. Teachers have given Amsers faith and fortitude to follow their dreams, and turn them into reality.  


On the occasion of Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, the day honoring those dedicated to education, I would like to express my most profound gratitude to a Mother! One who has brought miracle to Biology, turning it from something dry to an extremely interesting subject. One who has brought love and passion into each and every lecture.  One who has made a lasting impression on generations of students… That special person is Mrs. Truong Thi Thu Thuy – a strict, yet loving Mom.


Her friendly eyes and warm smile contradict her strict personality in class

I would like to start the story about her with my time in grade 9. Biology unexpectedly became arduous, with definitions of cell, meiosis and mitosis, as well as tens of conversions and numerous jargons. After being told that my Biology teacher was an exceptionally strict teacher by those who had been in her class, I was overcome with an anxious feeling. At that time, Biology was a nightmare to me. The rumor was true; Mrs. Thuy demanded seriousness and perfection in our study as well as discipline. We naughty students would discuss ebulliently during lessons, but no one dared utter a sound in her class. It seemed all eyes were on the board, taking notes with concentration and observing her every move. At first, when not yet familiar with the somewhat restricted discipline, these silly children thought she was “terrible” and became afraid of her. Perhaps it was because we feared you that we concentrated more on Biology. But that is the story of the early days…


Having been teaching for more than 10 years, she is an experienced and erudite teacher. She always brings a fresh new breeze to her lectures. In the eyes of generations of Amsers who were and are being taught by her, outside she always supervises our study, but inside she is a kind, condescending and jovial Mom. She always narrows the gap between teacher and students by creating an effervescent and comfortable atmosphere in class. Therefore, I’ve never felt that gap is too wide. The Biology “boat” now doesn’t seem so boring, drifting on the boundless knowledge ocean anymore when she is the “captain” steering it the right way.

There are a lot about her that we students have not yet discovered. Despite being in her forties, Mrs. Thuy is still young and beautiful. She likes to wear plain dark elegant office skirts. She likes tidiness, cleanliness and order in the classroom. She dislikes flower vases on the teacher’s desk, as they make her allergic. She dislikes students late for school, chit chatting in class or violating rules in exams, for those students mess with the school regulations and have problems with discipline in their studies. But above all, she is a wonderful Mother with a loving heart, always caring for her little children.



Her smile seems to wipe away all the tiredness and sorrow of the teaching career



I remember she once told us, that to her the greatest happiness of a teacher’s life is when she sees her students grow up. Every generation of students she has taught leaves specific memories in her mind. Beside happy memories are the sad ones. Today, a student may say something that makes her unhappy, but she never takes offence. She always thinks that, as students, we are growing up, gradually forming personalities and ways of thinking, and thus may accidentally do unwise things. When thinking more thoroughly and judiciously, we will learn valuable lessons from our mistakes. Those incidents don’t upset her; on the contrary they bring her joy, as she can see that we have known to correct our faults.

Mrs. Thuy smiles radiantly next to her dear students


With years of training students for the Competition of Gifted Nine-graders, Mrs. Thuy shared with us: “In order for students to succeed, not only teachers but also students have to endeavor. As even very good teachings will lead students nowhere if they don’t try their best. So I think that both things should always go together.” Generations of Amsers have agreed that she inspires students in every lesson, thus they will be absorbed in her lectures, unconsciously falling in love with Biology; then from that point, the love for this subject will emerge into the profound gratitude for the one who teaches and guides them. “What I love most about Amsers is their intelligence, agility, and especially their naughtiness. That naughtiness makes you more creative in your work and helps you tackle work clear-headedly. That is a very precious thing in students that I always appreciate.” – Mrs. Thuy could not hide her emotions when talking about the generations of students she had taught.


As time flows, lives change; But nothing can change teachers’ love for students, and nothing either can fade our gratitude for our beloved teachers. Their job springs from the loving hearts of parents beating for their own beloved children. That love is always blazing in the hearts of these boatmen on the river of knowledge, ready to warm little souls toddling in life. I may not be your best or most loved student, but on the occasion of the forthcoming Day, I would like to express my most profound gratitude from the bottom of my heart to you, the cultivator of love, knowledge and strength, who helps me become statelier to walk on the road to the future with confidence. On the occasion of 20/11, I would like to wish you good health, beauty and youth, success in life and happy moments with your beloved students

Reporter: Nhật Linh – Literature 1417

Translator: Phuong Ha A1 1316


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