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Made in 12: Not just Amsers, but anyone would miss their exciting student years

Post by: trangtrang | 11/07/2016 | 4012 reads

As Made in 12 came to an end, 13-16 Amsers said the final farewell to their beautiful student years…

To the 12 graders of Ams, parting with the school, teachers and friends was no longer a distant thing. Because as Made in 12 Night came to an end, these Amsers all had to say their final farewell. 3 school years had passed, their student life also ended that moment. The air was filled with happiness and nostalgia, with a tad bit of nervousness and effervescence…

Made in 12 was truly a meaningful and emotional night for Amsers.


Memorable moments with teachers


You and I, we were “in Ams” together


Made in 12 was truly an Amsers’ emotional farewell night

In their feature uniform, classes rocked the stage one last time together. Then they sang together, danced together, shouted out loud together…, cried together, laughed together, and shared the final farewell hugs together. We can never turn the clock back; the only thing to do then was to say goodbye and hope everyone would be reunited again in a very happy day…

Time flies…

Farewell smiles.

The only thing to do was to hug one another and sob.

Everyone was lost in thoughts in their final student moments…

Farewell. We’ll meet again, in a very happy day…

We would like to wish every 13 – 16 Amsers huge success in their chosen paths!

Translator: Phương Hà
English 1 (13-16)